Go to Guidelines page to download Registration Form            Final program schedule of ECIS3 will be updated soon.


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CLICK HERE to download the Registration Form

Guidelines for Authors presenting research papers:
  • The authors can send their papers as an e-mail attached to ncecis3@gmail.com.
  • Research papers should be submitted in .doc as per IEEE format.
  • Research/Review papers must not be more than 6 pages long including figures, tables and references. All the papers should be written in English for acceptance in the conference presentation.
  • After acceptance of the paper authors should send camera ready paper, registration form, copyright form and registration fee through Online Transfer.
  • Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them must register and present their work at the conference for their paper to be published in conference proceedings.
  • Presentation will be expected to be of 15-20 minutes followed by discussion and question and answer session.
  • A single paper having multiple authors should do separate individual registration if more than one author is attending the conference.

Guidelines for students participating in Symposium:
  • Students may send their project or scholar work (Technical Paper) details as an attachment to ncecis3@gmail.com.
  • Details should be submitted related to work to ncecis3@gmail.com.
  • Poster size should be of standard A1 sheet (841 x 594mm).
  • Detailed work should not be more than 4 pages.
  • Each Poster Entry can contain maximum 2 authors.
  • A single work having two authors will be registered only as a single entry. Multiple authors need not to pay registration fees separately. But Registration form should be filled up separately.
  • After acceptance of the work and poster, authors of the accepted work must register and present their work with the Poster at the Symposium.
  • Their Poster presentation will be of 10 minute followed by a discussion.